Friday, October 26, 2012

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuit

Sometimes I wonder what is going on in my dog's little brain. I know he's very long as he's not distracted by a bird, or a ball, or another dog. I also wonder if he ever gets in a bad mood. If he does, I wouldn't know it! He seems to always want to play, any time of the day and night. Even if I wake him up suddenly, he's so happy and excited to see me. I can't say the same about my husband. He treasures his sleep, probably because he doesn't get much of it!

Anyways, I made some treats for Charlie last week. I wish I knew if these were really his favorites, or if I'm just imagining his enjoyment when he eats these treats. My step-mom gave me the recipe for a basic dog biscuit, and there are countless ways to mix it up! Peanut butter, sweet potato, cheese, peas and carrots; the list is really endless.

Since I love peanut butter, I imagine that Charlie does too.

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuit

  • 3 cups wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup powdered milk (I've been using almond milk--seems to work just fine)
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup peanut butter
Preheat oven to 350. Mix everything together to make a stiff dough. 

Roll out to about 1/4-inch thickness, and cut out whatever cookie shapes you want. I found that an old protein powder scoop is the perfect size for a Charlie treat!

Bake for 30 minutes, then dehydrate so they don't mold. Since I don't have a dehydrator, I've been doing it in the oven, with the door cracked open to let the moisture out, at the lowest temperature possible for 3 hours. 

This recipe made a TON of Charlie-size biscuits. 

I think he loves it. 

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